sound engineering
Paris VIII University (2025)
Sound mediator - Temporary
Direction of workshops on sound editing, audio creation and computer assisted music at the library of Paris VIII University.
Comme ils disent outre-Rhin / Wie sagt man hinterm Rhein? (2023)
La grève en France - 43min
Pan to mime (2022)
Sound recordist
Franco-German podcast hosted by Athina Gendry.
La laïcité en France - 48min
La grève en France - 43min
Streiken in Frankreich - 51min
Nationale Identität in Frankreich - 1h02
L'identité nationale en France - 51min
Pan to mime (2022)
Sound recordist
35mm feature film by Michel Zumpf.
De sa vie restera une onde (2021 - 2022)
Piece for voice, cello and fixed media by Claire Renard, technical assistance on Pro Tools and for the diffusion at Musiques Démesurées festival in Clermont-Ferrand.
GRM (2021)
Sound engineer - Internship
Digitization of André Almuró's magnetic tapes under the direction of Diego Losa.
Dinosaures SARL (2021)
Assistant sound editor - Internship
7 Nuits, Chaouki El Ofir, feature film
Edgar, Anthony Sonigo, short film
Bandigou de Melun, Chris Dycosh,
short film
Clean, Tony Harisson,
short film
TAC, Studios Malambo (2021)