other videos


Grimoice (2024)

Single-channel video, 1’28
9:16 / HD digital file / color / stereo

Quinta Del Sordo contemporary creation center, Proyector, Madrid, Spain 2024

"Grimace of a Memento Mori,
Playing with the voice of my old me."

Anatomy of a wave (2023)

Single-channel video , 4’04
5:4 / HD digital file / color / silent

Real Immersive, Plymouth Art Weekender, UK 2024
DOC!, Paris, France 2024

(Musique : Lucieter)     

Anatomy of a wave is a study of movement, a legacy of chronophotography in the video age. In a system of time dissection, the object studied is ultimately recomposed.

At first, this object merges with the filmed object, obviously the wave, but also the two characters exploring it in its space. On the other hand, it's an investigation into the medium itself: video, but also archive. In the same way as one of my other video work The mystery of the missing necklace, it's a personal found footage approach questioning childhood, in this case the bond between my older brother and me.