may 28
Morphaime played at MEbU in Goms for the Ars Electronica Forum Wallis festival (Switzerland).
4 au 27 avril
Playpausesong exhibited at Galeria Miejska Arsenał in Poznań for the Graphic Arts Biennale : Import/Export (Poland).
march 15
Self-Portrait screened at la maison de la culture of Clermont-Ferrand for the Vidéoformes festival (France).
march 10
Sonctuaire played during a concert at the CRD of Pantin (France).
march 3
Mémoroses broadcasted on Framework Radio (Online).
january 14 to 26
Plasforms exhibited in the Fransisco Sobrino museum in Guadalajara for the CUVO festival (Spain).
end of december
In Repetito Reliagre published in the Winter 2025 edition of Superpresent Magazine (Physical and online edition).
december 24
Self-Portrait screened at Bomba Video Club in the Bomba Gallery in Moscow (Russia).
from december 20
Screensong broadcasted on Goes :art Channel TV for the fifth season of the On Screen festival (Online).
from december 18 to 28
Screensong exhibited at Video Art Forum in Khobar (Saudi Arabia).
december 19
Screensong screened at Bad Video Art Festival at L.A.M.A. (Laboratorio Artistico Multidisciplinare Autogestito) in Cosenza (Italy).
december 12
Simonsong exhibited at the Italian Cultural Institute for the Cairo Video Festival (Egypt).
december 5
Simonsong screened at Alternative Film Video festival at Students’ City Cultural Center in Belgrade (Serbia).
november 29
Self-Portrait screened at the cinema Il Piccolo for the MA/IN festival in Matera (Italy).
november 25
Self-Portrait screened at Maleza Casa Estudio à Urubamba for the Video Raymi festival (Peru).
november 24
Self-Portrait exhibited at Espacio Augusta in Cusco for the Video Raymi festival (Peru).
from november 26
Simonsong broadcasted on Goes :art Channel TV for the fourth season of the On Screen festival (Online).
november 24
Morphaime played at Theatre on Orlí Street in Brno for the Soundchain composition competition prize-giving ceremony and obtaining honorable mention (Czech Republic).
november 20
Educational intervention on electroacoustic music with Mathilde Proy for the JNME (National Electroacoustic Music Days) at the Pré Saint-Gervais and Romainville conservatories (France).
november 19
Morphaime played on acousmonium during a concert at JNME (National Electroacoustic Music Days) at the CRD of Pantin (France).
november 7 to 16
Simonsong exhibited at Rare Effect festival at Arroz Estúdios in Lisbon (Portugal).
november 13
Nightscape screened at Rare Effect festival at Arroz Estúdios in Lisbon (Portugal).
november 9
Mémoroses played at Écoute(s) festival in the MDH Anatole France of Grenoble (France).
november 7 to 9
Nightscape exhibited at the CRR of Grand Chalon for the Ondes Croisées festival in Chalon-sur-Saône (France).
november 7
Self-Portrait screened at Image Play festival at the Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias in Funchal (Portugal).
october 30 to november 5
Simonsong exhibited in the immersive gallery of Alfred University for the Light Matter festival (New York, USA).
november 3
Playpausesong screened at Beta Festival at The Digital Depot in Dublin (Ireland).
from october 28
Self-portrait broadcasted on Goes :art Channel TV for the third season of the On Screen festival (Online).
october 25 & 26
Loinaître played at Vronihof in Vienna for Circuit FantômeS4 Ep12: petites formes 2024 (Austria).
october 18 & 19
Anatomy of a wave displayed on an immersive dome for the Plymouth Art Weekender (UK).
october 18
Résurrecson played in 8 channels at University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance for the Spaceout concert (USA).
october 18
Playpausesong screened at The Cinemateque for the Small File Media Festival in Vancouver and obtaining the Mini Bear award (Canada).
october 17
Self-Portrait screened at the Pátio da Inquisição in Coimbra for the FONLAD festival (Portugal).
october 10
Self-Portrait screened at the Biblioteca Pública Héctor González Mejía for the Intermediaciones festival in Medellín (Colombia).
october 4
Anatomy of a wave, with music by Lucieter, screened at DOC! in Paris for the Cookie Collective Compilation release party (France).
september 29
Morphaime interpreted by Alessandro De Cecco / Yejin Suh on acousmonium at la correspondance in Grenoble for the Paysages Composés festival.
september 28
Simonsong screened at Façade Video Festvial in Plovdiv (Blugaria).
september 26
Self-Portrait screened at the Grosso Modo Gallery of Tel-Aviv for the Resonance festival (Israel).
september 21
Self-Portrait screened at Fabbrica Delle Candele in Forlì for the Ibrida Festival and obtaining a special mention (Italy).
september 20
Simonsong screened at the Concordia in Enschede for the KO(O)RTS festival (Netherlands).
september 20
Nightscape screened at Sala Alcalá 31 and “Grimoice”, a video miniature screened at the Quinta Del Sordo contemporary creation center for the Vertical <25 award for the Proyector festival in Madrid (Spain).
september 7
Résurrecson played in 8 channels at Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz for the Ars Electronica festival (Austria).
september 7
Screensong screened at Bomba Video Club in the Bomba Gallery in Moscow (Russia).
august 28
Résurrecson played in 6 channels at Usina del Arte for the Espacios Sonoros festival in Salta (Argentina).
august3 to 28
Self-Portrait exhibited at NYLAAT House for Experimental Loop in NYC (New York, USA).
august 8
Morphaime broadcasted on Radioarte for the Chigiana festival (Online).
july 6
Self-Portrait screened at the RomeGoethe-Institut at ArteScienza festival for the MA/IN festival (Italy)
Résurrecson obtaining a mention at Prix Russolo.
june 17
Morphaime played on acousmonium during a concert at the CRD of Pantin (France).
june 14
Pulmo played at the Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles in Paris (Accordion : Julia Sinoimeri - Cairn ensemble)(France).
june 13
Pulmo played at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Saint-Denis (Accordion : Julia Sinoimeri - Cairn ensemble)(France).
june 5 to 11
Screensong broadcasted on CultureHub for the Re-Fest festival (Online).
june 8
Plasforms screened at the Kino Palais in Buenos Aires for the Light Matter festival (Argentina).
june 7
Self-Portrait part of season 10 of VideoSoundArchive (Online).
may 28
Simonsong screened at the Hill livehouse Hong Tang in Suzhou for ONED festival (China).
may 23
Self-Portrait screened at Pupila festival at the UNAM of Morelia (Mexico).
may 21
Live electronics for a Quasi concert at Instants Chavirés in Montreuil with Mathilde Proy, Kinda Hassan and Victor da Silva (France).
may 18
Résurrecson played in 8 channels at the MDH centre-ville of grenoble during the Espaces Multiples #8 listening session (France).
may 17 and 18
Self-Portrait screened at Digital Graffiti festival in Alys Beach (Florida, USA).
may 11
Résurrecson played in 8 channels on the Bruit Bâton acousmonium at Pan Café in Saint-Denis (France).
may 10
Simonsong screened at the Alicante Museum of Contemporary Art for the ALC VideoArt festival (Spain).
april 23 to may 10
Screensong exhibited at the U Contemporary Gallery in Moscow in the Private//Public collective exhibition (Russia).
may 9
Loinaître interpreted by Christian Eloy on the Alcôme acousmonium at Echoraum during the Acousmonium festival in Vienna for the petites formes Prize (Austria).
may 4
An 8 channels sound miniature created for the Mixage Fou competition played at Des sons délyrants at the Acousmonef (Monnerie-le-Montel, France).
april 25
Plasforms screened at the Quinto National Cinematheque for the Light Matter festival (Ecuador).
april 13
Loinaître winner of the petites formes 2024 Acousmatic Composition Competition, played on acousmonium at La Matrice in Paris (France).
april 4, 6 and 7
Spasspong played at Grrrnd Zéro for the Écoutes Périphériques festival in Vaulx-en-Velin (France).
march 29
Loinaître played on the Alcôme acousmonium during a Musiques à réactions concert at the CRR of Paris (France).
march 26 to 29
Loinaître broadcasted as an audio capsule on Radio Campus Grenoble 90.8FM.
march 28
Screensong and Simonsong played during a concert at the CRD of Pantin (France).
march 27
Loinaître played during the Matière Sensible collective exhibition in the Salle Dutrievoz at Grenoble's Bastille for the Festival Culturel Universitaire (France).
april 25
Plasforms screened at the Quinto National Cinematheque for the Light Matter festival (Ecuador).
april 13
Loinaître winner of the petites formes 2024 Acousmatic Composition Competition, played on acousmonium at La Matrice in Paris (France).
april 4, 6 and 7
Spasspong played at Grrrnd Zéro for the Écoutes Périphériques festival in Vaulx-en-Velin (France).
march 29
Loinaître played on the Alcôme acousmonium during a Musiques à réactions concert at the CRR of Paris (France).
march 26 to 29
Loinaître broadcasted as an audio capsule on Radio Campus Grenoble 90.8FM.
march 28
Screensong and Simonsong played during a concert at the CRD of Pantin (France).
march 27
Loinaître played during the Matière Sensible collective exhibition in the Salle Dutrievoz at Grenoble's Bastille for the Festival Culturel Universitaire (France).
march 25
Loinaître broadcasted on Radio Sonic Protest (Online).
march 23
Screensong played during the New Electroacoustic Inspired Audiovisual Composition concert in Kresge Theatre at the CMU School of Music in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA).
march 14
Mémoroses broadcasted on Radio Sonic Protest (Online).
march 12
Live electronics in a concert at the CRD of Pantin (France).
march 8
Screensong awarded of the DJTAL Humain prize, screened at Ergastule in Nancy (France).
march 1
Plasforms screened at the No Name Cinema in Santa Fe for the Light Matter festival (New Mexico, USA).
february to march
Self-Portrait, Screensong and Simonsong broadcasted on Television at The Wrong Biennale (Online).
february 23
Plasforms screened at the Film Maker Cooperative of NYC for the Light Matter festival (New York, USA).
In Repetito Religare awarded, 3rd place in Experimental category of Josiah Media Festival 2023.
january 4 to 10
Plasforms exhibited in the Art Room gallery in Madrid for the inauguration of the CUVO festival. Release of a Limited edition in a box set with the other featured artists (Spain).
december 8 to 10
In Repetito Religare and Tromparumori presented in the Elizabeth Czerczuk theater in Paris, round table on the absurd for the Formes Radicales festival (France).
december 2
In Repetito Religare screened at the San Martín cultural center in Buenos Aires for the 27-year anniversary of Videobardo festival (Argentina).
november 3 to 5
Plasforms exhibited in the immersive gallery of Alfred University for the Light Matter festival (New York, USA).
october 21
In Repetito Religare screened at the Marni theater in Brussels for the 30th edition of the L’Espace du Son festival (Belgium).
september 20
In Repetito Religare screened at the Kino im Künstlerhaus in Hanover for the Reels On Wheels festival (Germany).
september 2
Loinaître interpreted by Tfen Guilloux / Sarah Ouazzani on acousmonium at the Comptoir de la Victorine in Marseille for the Supersonique festival (France).
may 14
In Repetito Religare screened at la Gare Expérimentale de Paris for the HS FEST festival (France).
march 8 and 9
Premiere of In Repetito Religare at The Film Gallery in Paris. Exhibition of the film in a museum installation (France).
december 10
Mémoroses and Tromparumori played on the Bruit Bâton acousmonium during a concert by the company Bruit bâton & Vaagues de chaleur in Paris (France).
december 5
Mémoroses played on the Motus acousmonium at the CRR of Paris for the Une semaine en Fauré festival (France).
october 15
Participation in the Inauguration of the conservatory of Pantin Jacques Higelin with Diar Zasella. Surround electroacoustic piece based on the text L'ébloui by Joël Jouanneau, in collaboration with the theater department. Performed in the Alice Milliat historic swimming pool (France).
august 28
Figures d’espaces by Annette Vande Gorne and Espace/Escape by Francis Dhomont interpreted with three interns on the Musiques & Recherches acousmonium at the Espace Senghor in Brussels for the Électrobelge concert of the Musiques & Recherches 40th anniversary (Belgium).
june 21
Mémoroses played on acousmonium during a concert at the CRD of Pantin (France).
march 15
Tromparumori played on acousmonium during a concert at the CRD of Pantin (France).
december 4
Live electronics at La Dynamo in Pantin as a prelude to a Future Folks Stories concert (France).
april 21
Salcousmatique broadcasted on Radio Campus Paris in the Récréation Sonore program 93.9FM.